They later returned Oden to Wano Country and they bid farewell to him as well.[25]. A battle between the two crews ensued, and a change in the weather allowed the Roger Pirates to sink half of Shiki's ships. So I think it was a pretty even match-up that lead to the mutual respect and survival of all involved. Rayleigh also seems to have developed a friendship with the former Warlord of the Sea, Jinbe. We’ll try to explore the reason why he’s referred to as the Dark King. [16] However, this is questionable given the Roger Pirates had Kozuki Oden, who possessed the knowledge on how to read and write the language on the Poneglyphs. Upon meeting Luffy, she informed him of the other major pirates (the Eleven Supernovas) that had arrived on the island around the same time as him. “Dark King” Silvers Rayleigh is the former first mate of the Roger Pirates, known as the “Right Hand of the Pirate King”. She looks very young despite her old age. Unwilling to watch the execution of his closest friend, Rayleigh toasted a drink to the man with a laugh as the blades passed, and downed a glass as his first act in the Great Age of Piracy, the Age of Dreams. [34] As Rayleigh sparred with Kizaru, he witnessed Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma joining some Pacifistas who were attacking the Straw Hats, and saw as Kuma made the Straw Hats disappear. Luffy asked Rayleigh on how to improve its attack power, and Rayleigh warned him about the consequences of using this technique. [26] Present, Admiral level or slightly lower. Since then, the two were on good terms, but Rayleigh disapproved of Hatchan joining Fisher Tiger's Sun Pirates.[11]. It also explains why being the Pirate King deserves to be the huge fucking deal that it is. [24], A year before his death, Roger disbanded the crew in secret. When Luffy started to understand Haki, Rayleigh subdued the elephant using the Haoshoku Haki. Rayleigh added that it is not a bad idea to live a little longer. During their times as pirate apprentices on the ship, their repeated bickering with each other often led to them being punished by Rayleigh. Prime Rayleigh on the other hand, was likely Yonko level. Admiral Kizaru even admitted that if the Marines were to make an honest attempt at capturing Rayleigh, they would need to do serious preparation, further explaining his great strength. Due to her hellish experience with the first man she ever saw, the one who painfully burned the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon onto her back, Hancock has a bitter hatred towards all men. After defeating a group of Marines, they learned that the Whitebeard Pirates docked on the other side of the island. Rayleigh told Hancock that none of the Kujas are allowed on the island during the training and tells her that if she is worried then she should pray for Luffy. During his attack against the Marines who tried to chase down Luffy after the time skip, he switched to using a katana, which he used to create a deep fissure. It was never shown in the manga how Luffy, Jinbe and Rayleigh got back into Marineford. I was thinking about power levels in One Piece. Rayleigh asked him what occurred as he told him of a boy that he met in the East Blue who had the same passion as his former captain. Rayleigh later commented that the pirates still standing were no ordinary rookies. Gloriosa is good friends with Rayleigh and Shakky. In the anime, he could throw bullets with extreme force and accuracy, able to destroy cannonballs fired at him. However before he could even reach the Calm Belt, his ship sank in a storm and thus forced him to swim the rest of the way to the island. Hatchan is friends with Silvers Rayleigh, after saving the pirate from a shipwreck as a child. After the two year timeskip, it is apparent that both of them became close from their training together. Rayleigh and the Straw Hats made it to Shakky's Rip-off Bar with Hatchan, Camie, and Pappag, and Rayleigh revealed to Luffy who he was and how he knew Hatchan. If the fight continued, it would likely have favored Kizaru. When he got to the shore, he remembered Trafalgar Law from the Sabaody Archipelago and told them he thought Luffy was on the island. Height: He said he would get to the main reason he came to find Luffy. Reyleigh at his prime however is probably a Yonko level fighter, similar to Shanks in sheer power and haki (they fight pretty similarly as well, with no devil fruit). The ability allows the person to … When Luffy was attacking blindly, he accidentally hit Rayleigh's dinner, causing him to hit Luffy out of anger and annoyance as Luffy sensed his emotions. At some point, the Roger Pirates visited Skypiea.[23]. Once the Kuja Pirates are gone, Rayleigh began Luffy's training by mentioning that the island was once inhabited, but the chaotic climate changes and the ferocious nature of the wildlife eventually killed all the natives. In the past, he was shown to have been impatient with the antics of the younger crew members and took the position of crew disciplinarian very seriously. Which is pretty damn good for his age. It also features a new villain named Burndy World who is known as "The Destroyer of the World" and has the power of the MoaMoa Fruit (its ability is still unknown). He is one of the few people who know the true history. When out in public, he also seems to enjoy the cover of a large silver hooded cloak, though the hood is often down. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick neck.Like many other high ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. A.K.A. He is also able to harden certain parts of his body or objects, as shown during his training with Luffy. A coating mechanic from Sabaody Archipelago. While reading the news of the Straw Hats' new bounties after the events at Dressrosa, Rayleigh was seen gambling.[39]. [3], When he was younger, Rayleigh had clean cut strawberry blond hair (black when first seen in the anime) and had a moderate amount of facial hair. He prefers to be called "Ray-san". He toasted a drink to the man with both tears and laughter as the blades passed, and downed a glass as his first act in the Great Age of Piracy, the Age of Dreams. Twenty-six years before the start of the story, Roger fell ill from an incurable disease, leading the crew to take one final journey together and ventured into the Grand Line together. He also managed to cut and draw blood from Kizaru's face, who is a Logia user.[17]. [18] While teaching Luffy the basics of Haki, Rayleigh could deflect a giant elephant's stomp and cause significant damage to the elephant with only the sheer force of his Busoshoku Haki, whereas Luffy's Gear Second Enhanced attack could not deal any damage at all, and also hurting Luffy with a Haki-imbued flick to demonstrate his the capabilities of Haki. ... his power is still noted as one of the highest in the world, managing to even take on admirals. Chapter 894 shows a flashback in which Rayleigh is using a haki-coated wooden club in order to increase Luffy’s proficiency in Observation Haki. Usopp then asked if the One Piece existed, but was stopped by Luffy, who wanted to discover the One Piece for himself. Rayleigh had an incredibly close relationship with Roger, to the point where he was called 'partner' by the Pirate King. In the same flashback in the anime, his scar is missing, presumably because the scar is difficult to see in the manga. Before her return to Amazon Lily, Gloriosa lived with Rayleigh and Shakky on Sabaody Archipelago while sheltering the Gorgon Sisters after their escape from the World Nobles. Whitebeard was the strongest man in the One Piece world prior to his death and someone who was equal to the Pirate King… In the past, Rayleigh and the other Roger Pirates encountered several Marines, especially Monkey D. Garp. Rayleigh reminded him of what happened there before, saying that gathering his crew there again would lead to the same result as before. [32], A short time later, Marine Admiral Kizaru came and attacked the Straw Hats, but before he could kill Zoro, Rayleigh came in and intercepted him. Despite once being enemies with the Whitebeard Pirates, Rayleigh seems to have great respect for their captain, like Roger, and shed a tear for Whitebeard's passing. She also wears whi… He is able to do this without adversely affecting anybody else near the initial target. Dark King Silvers Rayleigh One Piece. He coated the Thousand Sunny for free and he also defended the crew from Kizaru. Type: Movie Plot Summary: This new TV special tells the two years of Luffy's training with Silvers Rayleigh in Rusukaina Island after the Battle of Marineford, which has never been told in the manga or TV anime. [35] Rayleigh watched as Kuma then transported the remaining Straw Hats off the island.[36]. When Luffy asked about his crew, Rayleigh said he doubted they were all back yet. Can't say. In his younger days with Gol D. Roger, Rayleigh commanded the rest of Roger's crew as his first mate. One Piece Power Ranking Chart. He lacked the power or resources to do anything about Rayleigh and had to retreat. Shakuyaku vouches for his strength by saying that he is "100 times stronger" than all of the Eleven Supernovas.[14]. Eustass Kid himself even states that Rayleigh was "a legend". She then told them that they might find Rayleigh at Sabaody Park. Rayleigh asked Luffy if he really intended to conquer the New World, as Luffy states he will become the freest man on the sea if he is Pirate King. He saw Luffy and Jinbe coming toward him. Garp and Sengoku were something of a team and it was said Garp cornered Roger many times. Rayleigh recalled what Kuma whispered to him back on the archipelago. The two began training on the island. Rayleigh reunites with Sandersonia, Marigold, and Nyon. Birthday: He would do several duties while supervising the rest of the crew. Rayleigh meets Luffy while pretending to sell himself as a slave in order to steal from his buyer, and helps him to rescue Camie. Like Zoro, he can create extremely powerful compressed air slashes as shown when he cut the ground with ease to prevent the Marines from chasing after Luffy. ... Way too much in case something happened elsewhere to send that much power to one place. After going back through the events of the war with Shakky, she was able to surmise (correctly on all three accounts) that Boa Hancock was hiding Luffy on her home island, that she was doing so out of love for Luffy, and also as a means of hiding him from the Marines. As he headed towards Thousand Sunny, Luffy shouted to Rayleigh that he would become the Pirate King, leaving Rayleigh with a smile and tears in his eyes. He specializes in coating ships with Yarukiman Resin, a process which e… The Voice of All Things is a rare innate ability only a few One Piece characters possess. He disabled an entire hall room of hostiles with this power, save for the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates. Rayleigh hoped to use those two years to teach him the basics of controlling the different types of Haki, as it would take longer with a normal person. When removing Camie's exploding collar, he patiently calculated the time when the collar released itself and quickly tossed it away before it detonated. As a wild elephant came charging at them, Rayleigh explained the basic concepts of Haki, using the elephant as a demonstration for them. Rayleigh, who helped Hancock and her sisters return to Amazon Lily after escaping, is one of the only two known exceptions to this hatred (the other being Luffy). He would do several duties while supervising the rest of the crew. Rayleigh is OVERPOWERED (Yonko Level?) Rayleigh is light-hearted, casual, and fun loving, much like his captain Roger was. [20] However, it is unknown if he is capable of doing it himself. When Roger rejected Shiki's offer to become his right-hand man, Rayleigh was seen preparing for battle along with the other Roger Pirates. Though tarnished by age, Rayleigh still possesses an tremendous amount of stamina, being able to swim to Amazon Lily from outside the Calm Belt while killing a number of Sea Kings in his way despite swimming such a long distance. Before Rayleigh showed up in saboady to fight against kizaru the WG didn't know where he was as he was in hiding while ace was an active pirate. Though he often has a serious air, Rayleigh enjoys going with the flow and appearing in unexpected places and in unexpected ways, especially given his status and age. He then revealed to the Straw Hats what had really happened to Roger, and they talked about Crocus and Shanks. The pirates then headed out of the action hall, and Rayleigh told the Straw Hats to meet him at Grove 13 later. In the anime, during Luffy's return to Marineford, Rayleigh used a handful of bullets to counter cannonballs fired at their ship by simply throwing them with great strength and precision. [15] This implies that when he was in the prime of his strength, he may have been even stronger than when he fought Kizaru, a true testament to his strength. This was shown when Rayleigh utilized this Haki to sense that there were five hundred creatures on Rusukaina who were stronger than Luffy at that time. He is the first former pirate known to still have an active bounty. [29] After the three pirate crews had fought through the Marines laying siege to the auction house, Rayleigh was able to run off with Hatchan.[30]. Rayleigh was aware that Buggy was a pirate in the East Blue, which means he kept tabs on him. After the Straw Hat Pirates returned from the Human Auctioning House, where they found Rayleigh, he and the entire Straw Hat crew gathered at Shakky's bar. Calm and level-headed at virtually all times, he was the individual to break up arguments and disputes aboard the "Oro Jackson", as first mate and the right-hand man to Gol D. Roger himself. This new TV special tells the two years of Luffy's training with Silvers Rayleigh in Rusukaina Island after the Battle of Marineford, which has never been told in the manga or TV anime. I think it's fair to assume Sengoku was around often as well, and well, Roger most likely always hung out with Rayleigh as well. Was? Shakuyaku is Rayleigh’s business partner and wife. When Rayleigh fought Kizaru, he told him that if he were to get rid of his wanted poster, he could go into peaceful retirement. ​​​​​​, Rayleigh is an elderly man of relatively tall height with a very strong and defined build. Shanks is a relatively tall man (just under two meters), well-built, tan-complexioned, and in the prime of his mid-adulthood. Rayleigh possesses immense physical strength despite his elderly age. Rayleigh is a tremendously skilled and powerful swordsman, though he claims to have degraded in skill somewhat from his younger and healthier days. May 13th[7] He, like Shakky, has great expectations for him after Luffy stated his belief that the Pirate King has the most freedom on the sea. He was able to fight evenly with Kizaru, but it was shown he was getting tired. You don't become the Pirate King's 2nd in command for nothing. The Government considers such people a great threat. He was willing to tell Robin about the Void Century, but was interrupted by her. Rayleigh is extremely fast and possesses extraordinary reflexes. The Straw Hats immediately started running away, and Kizaru attempted to go after them, but Rayleigh stopped him with a sword. Elder Nyon is an old friend of his, and Rayleigh passed on a message from Shakky. Today we’re gonna talk about Silvers Rayleigh from our favorite anime One Piece. Rayleigh was much more direct with Luffy, as we can see from the multiple flashbacks. Funi English VA: However, he has also stated that, as a pirate crew lacking the archaeological knowledge of scholars of Ohara's caliber, they could have interpreted that information differently than the Ohara scholars. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Rayleigh stated that he laughed (and cried, and drank) nonetheless upon hearing the message Roger had left the world. I don't recall him cutting Kizaru, and Kizaru was never trying to capture him. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. It also features a new villain named Burndy World who is known as "The Destroyer of the World" and has the power of the MoaMoa Fruit (its ability is still unknown). Rayleigh from Buggy's flashback as he appears in the manga. After the war at Marineford, he swam across the Calm Belt to reach Amazon Lily, where Luffy had been recuperating from his injuries and from the loss of Ace. As stated by Shakky, he loves alcohol and women, which he proved when he is first introduced saving Camie from being mistreated by Disco while holding a hip flask. "the Pirate King's Right Hand" and "the Dark King." But the thing is Reyleigh actually cut Kizaru on the cheek as another commenter mentioned, while Kizaru didn't land a single hit. Rayleigh has mastered Haoshoku Haki to the extent that he can render a specific target completely unconscious. ... Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Rayleigh also used Kenbunshoku Haki to expertly dodge an elephant's attack with his eyes closed. Rayleigh shedding a tear for Whitebeard's death. He wore an orange shirt, light-brown spotted bermudas, and simple sandals. After the disbandment of the Roger Pirates and the execution of Gol D. Roger, Rayleigh became a coating mechanic at the Sabaody Archipelago. Rayleigh and the Roger Pirates celebrating reaching Laugh Tale. Rayleigh then unleashed Haoshoku Haki, knocking out most of the people in the auction hall, and he recognized the Straw Hat captain Monkey D. Luffy, saying he had wanted to meet him.[28]. Status: Among the Yonko past and present, he notably stands out as the smallest, most normal-sized by far, the others being various degrees of inhumanly proportioned.Living up to his epithet, indeed being its reason, Shanks' hair is toned distinctly red: usually depicted across media as deep-crimsonish. Rayleigh is highly proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki, able to sense the emotions and nature of others. Hancock also permitted him to stay in Amazon Lily. Rayleigh used Haki to block Kizaru's Logia attack For example, some of the strongest characters in One Piece are Haki users without devil fruit power such as Garp, Rayleigh… If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! After the man gave himself to the Marines, Rayleigh was unable to bring himself to directly witness the execution of his closest friend. In the manga, Rayleigh is the only one who fights the elephant. Keiichi Sonobe;Kazuyuki Sogabe (Young; Episode 8) He later became the first mate of the Oro Jackson, the ship of the man who would conquer the Grand Line and be crowned by the world as the Pirate King. Rayleigh actually still considered dangerous for the government because he knows it’s secrets besides being strong and a great swordsman, he also perfects the 3 types of Haki and he is the teacher of Luffy besides the Yonko Shanks in the past, actually, everyone respects Rayleigh in the new world as well as the fans of One Piece. Sometime later, Rayleigh was saved by a young Hatchan from drowning in a shipwreck. Amongst these duties was disciplining the young apprentices Buggy and Shanks over their constant arguing about pointless things, such as which of the two polar regions is the colder one. Trafalgar Law is one of the members of the Worst Generation. Rayleigh's relationship with most of the Roger Pirates is unknown. This changing of a character's design to a more generic one occurs several times in the series, notably with Marco. Rayleigh was impressed by his ideology, seeing the similarities to Roger like Shanks saw. He made a name for himself and currently, he has a bounty of 500,000,000 beris. During his youth, Rayleigh stole a ship due to his house burning down and needing a place to live. [12], Rayleigh can utilize an advanced application of Busoshoku which enables him to emit his Haki a short distance without a medium. Materials He used Kenbunshoku Haki to dodge the elephant's attack and used Busoshoku Haki to repel the elephant. Rayleigh asked him if he wanted to return to Sabaody, and Luffy replied yes. Rayleigh wanted to help him make Wano Country open to the rest of the world though Oden declined the offer. Shanks true power. The Spade Pirates came across Rayleigh when they needed to have their ship coated in order to reach Fish-Man Island, with the Masked Deuce and him hitting it off. Only very strong and determined individuals can resist from being knocked unconscious. After Gol D. Roger's crew disbanded, Rayleigh became a coating mechanic in Sabaody. Before he handed himself over to the Marines, Roger told Rayleigh that he would not die. I honestly don't think Rayleigh would've lost that fight if it had continued. Rayleigh knows the "True History" of the world from his time with Roger. At first, Jinbe could not believe his eyes when he saw Rayleigh in Amazon Lily. While her sisters were shocked to see Silvers Rayleigh on Amazon Lily, Hancock remained single-minded about Luffy, only realizing later that Rayleigh was there. Regardless of his age, Rayleigh is a muscular man with a broad chest and well-built body. In the anime Luffy's actions in Marineford are seen, though in the manga they were only explained later. Rayleigh is not often headstrong, looking before he leaps and taking time to plan ahead before taking action, although he does not hesitate to act if needs be. He often comments on his age and how his body "does not work the way it used to", much like Garp. One of Trafalgar Law's crewmen was very close to being knocked out, and even Law and Eustass Kid were sweating slightly after enduring the blast. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his waist. He is typically open and talkative, and like Whitebeard, seems to enjoy talking about the past and its great times, as well as the good old days of their near-bygone era. As the Marines begin their pursuit, Rayleigh drew a line on the ground with his sword and warned the Marines not to cross it, declaring that Luffy is his student. - A full-fledged yonko monster....rayleigh at his prime would be current shanks / mihawk level. He had been missing for six months prior to Luffy's arrival on the archipelago. Kuma then went to Rayleigh and revealed that he was an officer of the Revolutionary Army and was acting to help the Straw Hats escape. In his younger days with Gol D. Roger, Rayleigh commanded the rest of Roger's crew as First Mate. I personally believe we haven't seen his max cap. After reminiscing about the day he first met Roger, Rayleigh started tearing up and commented that Luffy is a man worthy of that hat.