The sword has a lesser boost than most bahamut … If a weapon matches the character's weapon specialty, it contributes at 120% of its base ATK instead of 100%. Bonus Damage, colloquially referred to as "echo", originates from certain skills, charge attacks, summons or weapons. What is your grid filled with? These modifiers come from weapon skills, what element is used, character bonuses, character skills, etc. However, keep in mind that these are only generic rules, and it can be hard to find the optimal setup when taking into account all the possible weapons skills, character skills and summons. Innate DEF has a nominal value of 10, with high defense enemies using higher values and low defense enemies using lower values. Following the table, their associated EX modifiers are respectively +11% and +23%. Supplemental Damage is an effect present on certain skills, such as Halluel and Malluel's EverbaneBoost to DMG taken / HP is lowered on every turn (Can't be removed)Local status effect debuff or the Hollowsky Weapons's Covenant skills. NormalOmegaEx boosts is a composite value: The different boost categories that appear in these formulas are detailed below. Sleeping boost is associated to the Stared StiffCan't use special attack / Chance that attacks are inhibited / Takes big DMGTakes 10% more damageLocal status effect, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)Takes 25% more damage and ComatoseCan't attack and takes big DMG(Chance to end upon taking DMG)Takes 50% more damageLocal status effect status effects applied to the enemy. The reason for that is because skills within one type stack additively, but skills between different types stack multiplicatively. Without going too much into detail, stacking multiplicative boosts is usually more beneficial than just adding modifiers to an existing boost, as long as all these boosts have roughly the same potency. The sum of the character's base ATK, grid weapons' ATK values, and summon ATK values. These include for instance Feower's ForfeitDMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is lowered and Gabriel's PureflowDMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is loweredLocal status effect (10% each, but don't stack). The cap used is dependent on highest active effect. This means that for most grids, players will try to fit at least one EX, one Normal and one Omega weapon, independently of what summon they use. This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 23:56. These skills are identifiable by the Sword icon at the bottom right of the weapon skill icon. Fixed CA damage is present in very small amounts (2000 for Shiva) on all Charge Attacks and in large amounts on certain characters' Charge Attacks, such as Yodarha (SSR). In addition to this, if a main or support summon aura is, The bonus provided by each weapon depends on the "strength" of its Omega skill (, Moreover, the six Omega Series SSR summons (, Your final Omega boost will be 100% (base value) + [45% (weapons) × 270% (summons)] =, the total modifiers to the enemy defense, either debuffs (DEF down) or buffs (DEF up). Modifier Level Obtained Description; Oblivion's Progression: Normal: 1: Boost to dark allies' Dark ATK based on number of turns passed. The character skills (active or passive) are very diverse and their impact on the damage formula depends on their type. Change Log & Intro. The attack-focused Omega weapons skills will increase your Omega boost. Would coding with V22.2 (pregnant state, incidental) as a secondary diagnosis possibly alleviate this issue? As for weapon skills, some skills create new multiplicative Boost categories, some contribute to the existing Boosts. Elemental boost is the simplest to explain : Example: you use a Fire team against a Wind enemy (+50%), with a 0★ Ifrit main summon (+40%) and a 3★ Shiva support summon (+140%). Omega ATK modifiers encompass all the Omega weapon skills that increase ATK with no requirement on character HP level. Furthermore, they don’t get boosted by Varuna and other Primal Summons. Modifier Level Obtained Description; Majesty: Omega or Normal: 1: ... GBF is obviously a grindy game and endgame players spend so much time mindlessly repeating content over and over to rush it that sometimes it's easy to overlook that this can be very stressful when you're paying this much attention. If your element is weak to the enemy's element, your Elemental boost gets -25%. Love Eternal (Grand Weapon, Rosetta’s) and Reunion (Grand Weapon, Lecia’s) both have three Normal modifiers (one is massive ATK, 22% @ Slvl 15) that are boosted by Zephyrus: LE provides more offense (Medium ATK and DA, 14.5% ATK and 5% DA) while Reunion gives less damage but with added HP (Small Majesty, 12% ATK and HP). It is then used to compute actual damage values such of normal attacks, charge attacks, etc. The Ranko Kanzaki aura affects the Mysterious EX ATK modifiers from iDOLM@STER event EX weapons. The actual damage value for each hit of normal attacks (not charge attacks or counterattacks) also depends on the following values: The damage done by every hit of a normal attack is then, Per-Hit Damage = Base Damage / (Innate defense × modifiers) [±5%]. Normal boost works the same way as Omega boost: the weapons modifiers are found in the the Normal table in the Weapon Skills page, and the Optimus Series summons drawn from the Premium Draw (and their Demi Optimus counterparts) will modify the Normal weapon modifiers. The Party screen provides some insight through an "Estimated Damage" panel, which is becoming more and more precise, and now allows taking into account summon auras, remaining HP level, turn number and number of foes—but not buffs, debuffs, multiattacks or extra damage types (critical, supplemental and bonus). Most weapon skills have 2 parts: the base skill, and the skill level. EMP modifiers and Ring modifiers respectively come from the EMP perks and the Coronation Rings, Lineage Rings, and Intricacy Rings associated to the character. Base damage is a virtual damage value that is used as a basis in the computation of the actual damage values for in-game attack types (normal, counters, charge attacks, etc.). DEF up mods are all the DEF up effects present on the enemy. CA weapon mods are boost to Charge Attack DMG effects present on certain weapon skills, in particular Sentence or Mystery. Mainhands. and Satyr (Summon) will have 60% + 30% = 90%). Absolute modifiers of the ATK computation, such as the 15% ATK cut from Qinglong Manewhip. Improving the grid Note: the Japanese term for Omega is Magna. Duration: Until recast: 20% ATK Up Normal modifier, 20% DA Up, 50% / 30% boost to critical hit rate 50% chance of dealing 30% more damage., and Defend effects don't activate. Weapon Skills are modifiers found on Rare and higher weapons. What about Charge Attacks, Chain Bursts, critical hits, counterattacks? If your element is strong against the enemy's element, your Elemental boost gains +50%. It is another instance of damage present alongside the normal attacks. Make sure your grid has a mix of both Normal and Omega modifier weapons in it (eg. Building Basic Grids is a good way to progress as a player, but fine-tuning complex grids can require experimentation or the use of simulators. Link? Unlike the season-themed weapons like Summer's Mirage, these weapons offer Normal-modifier skills which will only be boosted by rare Optimus summons like Agni, so these weapons will be a lower priority and may be skipped if you already have a complete grid; see Basic Grids for more info. Elemental boosts come primarily from summon auras which we’ll talk about later. These summons are Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus and Hades. Elemental superiority is 50% when the character is element-superior to the enemy, -25% when element-inferior, 0% otherwise. Bonus Supplemental Damage might be different from the Normal Supplemental Damage, for instance on Hollowsky Weapons Covenant effects. GBF: Simugu - 6th Anniversary is almost here! For computations, the notion of Base Damage is useful to factor in all these modifiers. Elemental summon modifiers are auras of the type X% boost to [Element] Elemental ATK. Elemental EMP buffs are EMPs of the type [Element] ATK up. Contrablade Gain Lethal Attack Dodged (25% HP) (1 time) Can withstand lethal DMG if HP is 25% or higher (Leaves 1 HP) The boost depends on the status: Stared StiffCan't use special attack / Chance that attacks are inhibited / Takes big DMGTakes 10% more damageLocal status effect = 10%, SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)Takes 25% more damage = 25%, ComatoseCan't attack and takes big DMG(Chance to end upon taking DMG)Takes 50% more damageLocal status effect = 50%. Therefore, in very simple terms, the base damage formula is as follows: The Total Boost factor is the multiplication of 4 main boost categories, usually called Elemental, Omega, EX, and Normal. The attack-focused Normal weapon skills will increase your Normal boost. Omega aura is the modifier from the Omega Series SSR summons aura: Colossus, Leviathan, Yggdrasil, Tiamat, Luminiera and Celeste. Charge Attack multiplier is a percentage value associated to the "strength" of the Charge Attack (medium, big, massive, otherworldly). GBVS coming to NA! Burst constant depends on the number of Charge Attacks involved in the Chain Burst: 25% for 2 CA, 33.3% for 3 CA, 50% for 4 CA and more. : Good boost to DA and ATK with a cost of sword's defensive skill. Element superiority is the same modifier as in the Elemental boost: +50%, -25% or 0%. DEF down mods encompass all the DEF down or [Element] DEF down debuffs present on the enemy. Within a boost category, the modifiers always stack additively. Seox event! The base damage of a character is a virtual damage value, used for further computations. ATK down modifier encompasses all non-elemental X% ATK down debuffs present on the character. If you’re looking to get a mixture of modifiers in a Primal grid, you want to be splashing for Magna and Unknown modifiers instead. The below modifiers should not be used for services January 1, 2014, or after. Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Double attack rate is boosted / ATK is boosted / Debuff resistance is boosted / Charge bar is boosted, Light magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), Recovers once from a knockout while in effect /,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. However, making the most benefits out of the weapon also requires having the summon Hades, as Gisla uses a Normal modifier as a counterpart to Celeste Claw Omega's Omega modifier. For multiattacks, each hit will be computed independently. Therefore, in order to better understand how to build the optimal grid with given resources, as well as how to determine which resources should next be worked towards, it is very useful to know the basic principles behind damage computation. Qilin Bow offers Massive Tyranny (25.5% Normal ATK @ slvl20 and -10% HP) as well as 10% DMG Cap Up. You may notice that I didn’t mention any Elemental atk modifier before now and that’s because there are no weapons that have weapon skills that provide elemental modifier type boosts. IT'S BUSY DANGIT If … Seraphic boost is an effect present on some characters' passive skills (Eternals and Lancelot (Wind), for instance), and on the Seraphic Weapons skills. In addition to the boost, all known assassin boosts also increase the damage cap. ATK is simply the sum of all the grid weapons' and summons ATK values, each weapon ATK being modified by an increased 20% if it matches that character's proficiency. Thunder's Might and Horus's Might) Remember to skill up and level up everything! grid atk ~ Normal mod x Magna mod x Ex mod x Elemental mod. However, their actual computation involves notions of multipliers, critical chance, number of participants, so refer to the Detailed Formula article for details. These are present on weapons from the Premium Draw, in older events, and on weapons dropped by many raid bosses. Burst boost is the sum of all stacking Boost to Chain burst DMG effects from skills, weapons or summons. For simplicity's sake in this section, we will consider that characters are neither buffed nor debuffed. page. August 25, 2020 April 6, 2020 by Pooky. Omega weapon skills are present on several farmable weapons, mainly dropped from Omega Raids and Impossible Omega II Raids. Let's start with some simple tips/tricks that make life a lot easier in GBF. Some contribute to the 4 main Boost categories by complexifying the formulas, e.g. They are present on Normal, Omega and EX weapons. Primal Gacha. Tien leads Stardust Town with her twin brother. If Lunalu copies IndominusFire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~510,000).Gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)Strength: 10% (Max: 60%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target and10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)Strength: 10% (Max: 60%)Duration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target.Restore all allies' HP based on damage dealt (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff. Random Modifier is a random number between 0.95 and 1.05 (step size 0.01); in other words, there is a 5% variance in the expected value for each hit. If you need other modifiers for your grid, slot in Magna or Unknown weapons. Additionally, in most situations, players will try to apply maximal DEF down to the enemy (50%) while dispelling DEF up buffs. In that case and with no other buffs/debuffs, the actual enemy defense drops to 10 × 50% = 5. Optimus aura is the modifier from the Optimus Series summons aura (and their Demi Optimus counterparts): Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus and Hades. Normal and Omega Enmity/Stamina modifiers are affected by the Optimus/Omega auras, but not the EX modifiers. Usual EX ATK modifiers encompass all the EX weapon skills that increase ATK with no requirement on character HP level, excluding the iDOLM@STER event weapon Mysterious EX skills. 5 times then Blade Impulse350%-450% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).At level 55:Damage increased to 400%-500%.At level 100:Also inflict 10% ATK Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)ATK is lowered (Stackable)Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 90%Duration: 180 seconds and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 90%Duration: 180 seconds.Gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: IndefiniteStacking: Single. Omega grids usually have 5-6 Omega weapons, 1-2 Normal weapons, 1-3 EX weapons, and 0-1 Seraphic weapon. Bonus multiplier is the X% Bonus Damage description of the echo-providing skills. Normal/Omega/EX Enmity and Stamina boosts, ATK, DMG cap, and triple attack rate are boosted (Can't be removed). Finally, the ±5% corresponds to a random variation of the actual output, computed per hit, to introduce some variability in the numbers you will see on screen. However, here are some elements to introduce the more elaborate concepts. 0 out of 5. What's this about multiplication and addition? The most common innate defense value is 10. Apart from fixed damage instances, all damage in Granblue Fantasy is based on the characters' ATK stat, which is then affected by a series of modifiers coming from skills effects, weapon skills, summon calls, etc. 350%-450% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000). Mainhands. Other Damage Types: Plain Damage | Bonus Damage | Supplemental Damage The Metal Destroyers in the graphs can be treated as flexweapons which can be replaced by (almost) any other weapon grid piece. The attack-focused EX weapons skills will increase your EX boost. Bahamut Weapons and Ultima Weapons skills. These modifiers (while empty) can be visualized as: - - - - - - Therefore, maximizing your Base Damage will always be a good idea. For detailed information, check the Detailed Formula article. These are completed by other, more specific categories that will not be detailed here (see Detailed Formula to understand the full damage computation). If the Celeste Omega summon boosts Omega modifiers, Hades is the counterpart for Normal Modifiers. All the EX weapons bonuses then stack additively. DMG taken is boosted / DMG dealt is lowered, Can't use special attack / Chance that attacks are inhibited / Takes big DMG, Can't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG), Boost to DMG taken / HP is lowered on every turn (Can't be removed), Weapon / Summon Optimization and Progression,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Damage Formula: Basic Concepts | Detailed Formula | Damage Cap | Examples and Guidelines. If a weapon skill is neither EX nor Omega, it is a Normal weapon skill. Sometimes, two modifiers will not stack with each other: in that case, priority rules appear, which depend on the type of modifiers. ^3 I use Gislas as the main example here, but the same is true for Blutgang since it is a highly concentrated form of Normal modifier with exceptional stats. Total Char Unique ATK boosts is the product of all the Unique ATK up effects present on a character. Knowing your overall strength level isn't trivial in Granblue Fantasy. ^4 This is annecdotal, but I find that it is underappreciated how important the 1 MH + 9 Other weapons constraint is when it comes to grid construction. They are described by a chance and a multiplier, usually labeled X% chance to deal Y% supplemental damage. The usual grid setup is 5-6 Omega, 2-3 Normal (this includes Bahamut Weapons, the Normal II Celestial Weapons, and Atma/Ultima Weapons), and 1-2 EX weapons. Usually a magna weapon grid will be made out of a Mainhand, 6-7 magna weapons, 1 bahamut weapon, 1-2 unknown, or 1 normal modifier weapon. Remember to balance your weapon modifiers for maximum damage. These special attacks also use the Base Damage as basis for computation. Armor Break 100% elemental damage to … Standard M1/M2. Side stories are a great source of basic ex weapons, look for one that has a reward based off the element you want, for example the shadowverse side story has a very good wind bow ex weapon. Bahamut weapons use NORMAL modifiers. Hatred's Enmity: Normal: 150: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK based on how low HP is. Just lookout for the EX symbol at the skill icon. These skills give stat bonuses to certain types of characters, or provide other bonuses based on the skill. Essentially, each Unique ATK up effect behaves like its own boost category, applied multiplicatively in the damage formula. Knowing your overall strength level isn't trivial in Granblue Fantasy. Counter multiplier is the percentage value present on the Counter skill description. However, given the complexity of the system, trial-and-error for grid optimization can quickly become tedious. EX weapon skills are mainly present on event weapons or side story weapons. This makes them much less attractive versus in a Magna grid, where they are an incredibly slot efficient way to get a Normal type modifier. The bonus provided by each EX weapon depends on the "strength" of its EX skill (small, medium, big or massive) and the weapon's skill level, following the EX table in the Weapon Skills page. Similarly, Unique skills are very sought for, since they will stack multiplicatively to the Base damage and therefore amplify the effect of all other boosts. The Weapon skills boosted by Primal Summons are also normal type. These are different from other stackable ATK boosts, like Assassin's Motivating Draft, which are under the Normal ATK modifier. The former uses a graphical interface and is much easier to use yet is only in Japanese while the latter is bilingual, more advanced and … Event weapons before November 2016 have Normal-modifier skills. Duration: Until recast: 20% ATK Up Normal modifier, 20% DA Up, 50% / 30% boost to critical hit rate 50% chance of dealing 30% more damage., and Defend effects don't activate. Unique Stackable boosts will only count to the cap if it is applied while the current boost is below its individual cap (e.g. 1.Physicians Who Furnish the Entire Global Surgical Package Critical mods is the sum of every multiplier linked to the critical skills that have successfully triggered for this damage instance (since critical damage only has a fixed chance to happen for each critical skill). Some weapon skills contribute to completely separate Boost categories, e.g. Crew Ship modifier is the X% [Element] ATK up effect present on the active crew airship. Normal Damage = (Base Damage × Sleeping boost × Random Modifier / Enemy DEF) + Supplemental Damage Random Modifier is a random number between 0.95 and 1.05 (step size 0.01); in other words, there is a 5% variance in the expected value for each hit. Attack Types: Normal Attack | Critical Attack | Charge Attack covered under warranty, replaced due to defect, free samples). Normal buffs/debuffs are the ATK up/down effects that can come from skills, enemies or summon calls. The domain uses a Commercial suffix and it's server(s) are located in US with the IP number and it is a .wiki. GBF.xzz – Easy to use since it provides visuals, but Japanese only and isn’t able to compare your grids. Free Eternal! Elemental ATK buffs and debuffs are the [Element] ATK up/down effects that can come from skills, weapons, enemies or summon calls. Normal ATK modifier encompasses all the Normal weapon skills that increase ATK with no requirement on character HP level. But due to the respective strengths of their Omega weapons, Wind teams usually contain 6 to 7, while Fire often does with just 5. You can identify them if there is nothing in the top left of the weapon skill icon, or if there is a II or III. grid atk ~ Normal mod x Magna mod x Ex mod x Elemental mod. ... and 1 or 2 normal modifier weapons. 1 time, she will have a 50% boost. Your Elemental boost is computed additively as 100% (base value) + 50% + 40% + 140% = 330%. Example: If you have two level 150 Ixaba at skill level 15 (massive modifier, +22% each) and one 0★ Agni main summon (+80%), your Normal weapon boost is 44%, your Normal summon modifier is 180%, resulting in a Normal boost of 100% + (44% × 180%) = 179.20%. There are four main types of weapon skills: Omega, Normal, EX (Unknown), and Seraphic. Pooky’s GBF Weapon Grid Resource – Light. – Consider an Atma/Ultima Weapon if your team consists of characters that share weapon proficiencies in order to benefit from a Gauph Key or if you can utilize the DMG Cap option from its Ultima Key. Details unknown and to be updated during the event! The Eternals are a powerful group that rule the far reaches of the sky, and are seen as a threat to the entire skydom. The Party screen provides some insight through an \"Estimated Damage\" panel, which is becoming more and more precise, and now allows taking into account summon auras, remaining In Light the Dark Opus can simply replace either a Luminiera Bolt/Sword Omega. Critical attacks have a chance to replace Normal attacks when using an element-superior team (or under certain field effects). Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~510,000). Normal Enmity, Normal Stamina, Omega Enmity, Omega Stamina, EX Enmity, Seraphic Weapons skills. Each echo is computed independently. Unique DEF down mods are DEF down effects that are not affected by the hard DEF down cap. They are directly added without taking into account Base Damage or Defense. The value of each boost category is computed using all the modifiers of that category. CA Damage Up mods are boost to Charge Attack DMG effects, that can originate from EMP perks, active or passive skills or summon calls. Lvl 1: ATK +1000 Total: ATK +3000 HP +1000 Speed up charge bar during one-foe attacks +1: Lvl 5: HP +1000: Lvl 10 ATK +1000: Lvl 15: Speed up charge bar during one-foe attacks +1 at max stacks, IndominusFire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~510,000).Gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)Strength: 10% (Max: 60%)Multiplier: Unique StackableDuration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target and10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 60%)DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)Strength: 10% (Max: 60%)Duration: IndefiniteStacking: Single Target.Restore all allies' HP based on damage dealt (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff. A.Procedure Codes and Modifiers Use of the modifiers in this section apply to both major procedures with a 90-day postoperative period and minor procedures with a 10-day postoperative period (and/or a zero day postoperative period in the case of modifiers “-22” and “-25”). (Detailed values or link). Additionally, some summons, such as Grand Order, directly add a modifier to your Normal boost. You can identify them thanks to the EX present in the top left of the weapon skill icon. Unknown modifiers are a special modifier on their own. Therefore, in all the following subsections describing the different instances of damage, the final damage will be computed as such if a Seraphic modifier is present: Normal damage is the damage of one hit of a normal attack. Moreover, we will only take into account "flat ATK up" weapon skills, such as Might, which just contribute to the damage boost without taking into account the character's HP level. Damage Formula: Basic Concepts | Detailed Formula | Damage Cap | Examples and Guidelines. Modifier Description; FB : Item provided without cost to provider, supplier or practitioner, or credit received for replacement device (e.g. Your EX boost will be 100% (base value) + 11% + 23% = 134%. Attack Types: Normal Attack | Critical Attack | Charge Attack Example: You have one Chop-Chop skill level 6 (big modifier) and one True Phantom Demon Blade skill level 15 (massive modifier) in your grid. Perpetuity modifiers are ATK up effects originating from the Perpetuity Ring, the Shield of Eternal Splendor Wonder, and rarely some buffs, such as Heavenly HowlATK, DMG cap, and triple attack rate are boosted (Can't be removed). The base damage is based on the character's ATK stat, modified by a boost factor. That’s right, NORMAL modifiers. ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed), DEF is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed). You may notice that I didn’t mention any Elemental atk modifier before now and that’s because there are no weapons that have weapon skills that provide elemental modifier type boosts. The damage formula is important to understand once you have completed your first weapon grid and find a new Omega SSR weapon, or draw one in a Premium Draw. Unique Stackable modifiers are ATK up effects that come from ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable)Multiplier: Unique Stackable and its variants. It is applied after every other modifier has been applied, on every damage instance, and also affects the character's damage cap. You can identify them thanks to the Ω present in the top left of the weapon skill icon. Unique Stackable boosts that use the same frame will stack additively and count toward the same cap. Since Normal and Unknown weapons are staying the same, we can remove them from the formula to avoid mistakes, but here is the formula: (100% + Omega * 200%) * (100% + 60%) = (100% + Omega) * (100% + 120%) Colossus Omega 3★ doubles your Omega modifier, so that's Omega * 200%. A simple visualization I use when working with atk modifiers in gbf is having "labeled containers" where each container corresponds to a "modifier." Other Damage Types: Plain Damage | Bonus Damage | Supplemental Damage It can be viewed as 10% of the average amount of damage a character will do for each hit of a normal attack, on a normal defense enemy with no buffs or debuffs. The go-to baha weapon of earth is the Bahamut Sword. Normal summon aura is the X% boost to Normal ATK modifer from summons such as Grand Order. Jammed and Strength are character buffs originating from skills, weapons, summons or charge attacks. Crew Skill boost is the X% [Element] ATK up effect triggered by certain crew skills. Some of the most basic modifiers are "magna" atk, "normal" atk, and "ex" atk from the weapon grid. Enmity and Stamina modifiers are the ATK up weapon skill modifiers that depend on the HP level of the character. Based on what your current weapons are and what summons are available to you, what ultimately increases your damage and overall strength will depend. Elemental boosts come primarily from summon auras which we’ll talk about later. Bahamut weapons function as a normal modifier in your grid. Now that we know how to compute the Base Damage, there remains to transform that into actual damage values. Unique Stackable boosts in separate frames count toward separate caps (e.g. Assassin modifiers are ATK up effects that come from buffs such Salted WoundATK is boosted when foe is in break mode, DefianceATK is boosted for foes in Overdrive, Path of DestructionATK is boosted and other variants. Earth has a lot of everyone, but its primary attackers are both human and draph. Damage Cuts and Repel effects are not taken into account. This page was last edited on 20 June 2019, at 07:55. GBF players didn't understand much of the duels anyway and Shadowverse players got no satisfaction from it â ¦ They also tend to be split into two parts. This grid normally uses at least one Normal Modifier Weapon, but no more than three (excluding the Seraphic Weapon) although you’ll probably find it difficult to fit more than two in your grid. If the order of copied skills is switched, she will have a 60% boost.) Q: My office often has denials of evaluation and management (E/M) visits with our OB patients when using HCPCS modifier -GB (claim being resubmitted for payment because it is no longer covered under a global payment demonstration). This is why these weapons are normally used in Magna grids to get a Normal modifier. Every enemy has an innate defense stat, which is then modified by the DEF up buffs and DEF down debuffs.