Go to Theme Settings â Footer, and enable "Display Icons of Social Networks". One of the best feature of this … Alysum. "Hover" styles also applied for ":active" and ":focus" states. Define the class name here. Register Login! - "Friendly URLs" must be enaled too. You can display second product image on hover what will give your customer more information about product immediately. your username. Then you can create a very minimal theme, containing only the following files: Itâs recommended to copy these files from the Parent theme. À l’aide de cette plateforme, vous pouvez créer facilement et rapidement un commerce électronique professionnel pour lancer une activité de vente de biens ou de services en ligne. Welcome! “Alysum Prestashop AMP Subject matter” – is a brilliant resolution for small and medium companies. Show a map â display a map on conact page. Alysum theme is ready to be translated to any language you need. This feature is only useful if you want to slightly modify a theme (to add a block for example). â The theme contains different elements like Header Layout, Footer Layout, Home page Layout and Theme Settings configuration. Configure typography and colors of product labels, Display Attribute â display additional product attribute, Display Feature â select product feature to display. Show brands carousel to simplify navigation to your customers. Product Title allows to disable product title. These four blocks displayed under the contact form. Maps Provider â Select a service what provides interactive maps. There are two tabs available, "Contacts" and "Stores". Subscription Form â enable subscription form to let your customers to subscribe to receive an email about store opening. AMP requirements: Share Buttons â display Social Share buttons under the Add to cart section. This document covers the installation and use of this theme and reveals answers to common problems and issues - I encourage you to read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. This buttons will appear on product page. “Alysum Prestashop 1.7 & 1.6 theme” – is a great solution for small and medium businesses. Page Builder - Create unique page designs using visual site builder. Open downloaded CSS file in a text editor. Google API Key â To use the Google Maps you must have an API key. Alysum theme can be installed and switch to any demo easily by one click. Alysum {5.4.1} – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme. Alysum 5.5.1 – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme. You can select one what fits to your needs. Your shop will looks fine on any screen size. This is a Prestashop Premium Theme. PrestaShop est l’un des outils les plus populaires et les plus utilisés pour créer et gérer des boutiques en ligne. The module Page Builder must be hooked to the "displayProductPageBuilder" hook, Price Typography â typograpy of the main product price. Every single paid module are incorporated into topic file. Make sure the module is enabled. Full changelog here. You can add your custom link to external website what explaining in details your cookie policy. ... prestashop amp, prestashop amp template, prestashop amp theme, prestashop blog, prestashop in docker, prestashop template, prestashop theme… Click "Settings" and disable "Async Requests" option, 1. Enhance the user experience allowing them to access more detailed information. Hereâs an example: Select your slider and click "Slide Editor". Select the part of the current translation that you wish to edit: When you wish to translate a specific module, choose "Installed modules translations", then select the one module you want to edit. Category Page Layout â You can select a layout what you built in Page builder for category page. … When the module is installed, click the Configure button. You just have to add special price limited in time. This option can be applied only if you select and option "Text Logo" in the "Logo" widget of your Header Layout. Log into your account. Read more details here https://www.cookielaw.org/the-cookie-law/. It’s a highly customizable theme … Go to "International" > "Translations" to get it. Main Image Thumbnails â allows to display thumbnails of all product images. make sure you take the "Installable zip" as this is what you would upload. Google Map Custom Style â there is an option to display google map with custom colors what defined with Alysum theme. The value must be the theme technical name (ie: the theme folder name). Second Image on hover. Social Icons Alysum. Popup Search â it's a big search field what apears in the center of page and let you focusing on search results only. by Promokit in Shopping $99 $79 (513) 6.5K Sales. Click on "Configure". Next browse for the zipped theme file. 6.6K Sales. Lookbook - Create … Carefully select a layout, it has to be built for product page and contain product page widgets, NOTICE! Show any additional content in the product page tabs. Alysum is mobile friendly for any resolution and any devices. It enables the customer to define combined criteria to filter category products, little by little providing more details in order to reduce the number of displayed products. That is a lightweight tool to build your own AMP layout! LeafLet API Key â To use the LeafLet Maps you must have an API key. Preview. You just have to add special price limited in time. Including translation of shop front office, additional theme modules and their back offices. Links Then click on the "Add new theme". Created: 05 July 2012 The list of plugins what comes with Hoki you can find below: Category Tree List - is a module which allows you to disaplay list of your categories. Remember me. If the module is not installed, click the Install button. For more details please check out this video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KDEs7F58zg, Change the text in the Translation page in your Back Office. How to get an API key? 1. You can also display all product features. Prestashop AMP module; Header Items; Custom Product Tabs; Daily Deal https://alysum5.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/, https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/core_updates/1.7.6/, https://www.cookielaw.org/the-cookie-law/, https://www.growingwiththeweb.com/2014/02/async-vs-defer-attributes.html, AMP is an open-source library developed by Google, https://alysum5.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/revslider/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KDEs7F58zg, https://alysum5.promokit.eu/promokit/documentation/translations.html, PHP version: 5.4 or later. by: Promokit Co. It is also nulled by us to make sure there are no license check. Your kit will also include a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) that you will need to update and upload in step 4. The module "Product Comments" must be installed and enabled. before class name) to a row you want to make "sticky". Subscribers List â a list of emails where notification will be sent to. They extend functionality and add new features to the theme. This means that the parsing of the HTML document itself is blocked by JavaScript. “Alysum Prestashop 1.7 & 1.6 theme” – is a great solution for small and medium businesses. Download Alysum here: http://bit.ly/alysum Page Preloader â is an animated circle what you see on the screen while the rest of the pageâs content is still loading. You can use "grid" mode with possibility to manage product items per row or "list" mode to display products one under another. kikirikimiki submitted a new resource: Alysum - Premium Prestashop AMP Theme (Untouched) - “Alysum Prestashop AMP Theme” – is a great solution for small and medium businesses. For information in regard to installing the Prestashop platform, please see the Prestashop Documentation, 1. If the option is disabled you will use default theme's home page with following structure: Home Page Titles â titles/headings typography of the homepage content, except header and footer. AMP pages are just web pages that you can link to and are controlled by you. Alysum - Premium Prestashop AMP Theme. PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. The module Page Builder must be hooked to the "displayCategoryPageBuilder" hook, Product Listing â The view of product listing. Alysum. “Alys… Cyrilic Symbols â Enable this option in case you are using an East Slavic language, like Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc... Cookie Message â all websites across the EU are required to ask your permission to place cookies on your machine. find "facebook" icon, it looks like this: Copy all code between "" tags, Paste it into the file svg.tpl between "" and "", Find "Faceted Search" module and make sure it's installed and enabled, Make sure the module is configured properly and indexed all products, Go to "Design" → "Positions", search "displayLeftColumn" hook and make sure the module is in the modules list of necessary hook, Go to "Design" → "Positions" and click "Transplant a module" button in the top right corner, Select a module you want to move and "displayLeftColumn" hook, Open the file "/ROOT/translations/cldr/main--en-US--numbers" (or your language, fr-FR, es-ES, ...), Search your wording there and see the translation domain, or module name, Go to "International" → "Translation" in your Back Office, Select "theme" or "modules" in the "Type of translation" dropdown list and your language in the "Select your language", Find your wording and change it as you like, Open the file /themes/alysum/templates/_partials/javascript.tpl. Fortunately, the "script" element has two attributes, async and defer, that can give us more control over how and when external files are fetched and executed. 1. Build any header layout you need with our "Header Builder" tool. By default, all products you add are considered to be New. Choose the number of product per row for different types of … General tab contains common theme settings like typography, colors, and other global options. Footer Background Color â set a color of your footer. It works exactly like any other builder tool and you can build your AMP homepage very quickly with drag&drop option. Show/Hide "Quick View" button for product miniature, "Add to Cart" Button. But you can download Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme completely free from here. If the option is disabled you will use default theme's header with following structure: Sticky Header â will fix the header in the top portion of your webpage when a user scrolls the page. AMP is an open-source library developed by Google that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are compelling, smooth, and load near instantaneously for users. If you are having any issues with the theme or have any questions regarding how to use the theme you can submit a ticket to our support https://support.promokit.eu. Section Title Typography â this is typograpy of sections titles displayed in the bottom of the product page. If your translation doesn't work, try to change it and save, then change it back. View Switcher â this is two buttons list/grid what allows theme's customers to switch product listing view. In case your product has color variations you can concider to display product colors to make product miniature more informative. Correct way in this case is to hook CSS/JS into "header" hook, and HTML markup into "displayBeforeBodyClosingTag" hook. We have developed special tool to build AMP pages. It's a product what was sold much times. Using your FTP or file manager, upload all the font files found within your Web Font Kit to your website into the folder "/themes/alysum/assets/fonts/". Download Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme Nulled … 6.5K Sales. You can select between wide layout, masonry, alternatively layout, and grid. PrestaShop Themes, Themes / By island. If your AMP theme doesn't work or has some issues please check out following items: Prestashop can accept images of (almost) any size. “Alysum Prestashop 1.7 & 1.6 theme” – is a great solution for small and medium businesses. How to install Alysum Prestashop AMP theme. To make the product Special, go to Catalog â Products and add a discount. Every single paid module are incorporated into topic file. When you change a preset the module check availability of Page Builder layouts with the same name as selected preset and activate such layouts. Lookbook - Create and share fancy styles to get your customers to buy more. By defailt tabs arranged horizontally. your username. Maintenance Until â set the date when your store will be opened. Recommended settings for working in production shop: Prestashop Speed Optimization â How to make it insanely fast! Footer Builder â this option enable footer layout composed in Footer Builder. It will allow quick access to the menu from any part of the page. 1. Alysum looks really clear on retina displays. ... Download Alysum Nulled-Alysum 1.6 /1.7 Nulled Premium Prestashop AMP Theme… Put coordinates of your store and save. - Bestseller Promokit Helpdesk Alysum. Slovak language pack for responsive PrestaShop commercial theme Alysum. These options allows you to add your custom CSS and JS code, NOTICE! For example if you select "complex" preset the module will activate Header, Footer and Homepage layouts with the name "complex". Page Builder; Google AMP Ready; Prestashop … Upload your .ttf or .otf file to the Webfont Generator and then download your Web Font Kit. Alysum theme comes with 3 … https://www.growingwiththeweb.com/2014/02/async-vs-defer-attributes.html, Header Builder â this option enable header layout composed in Header Builder. Map Area Height â The height of a map area. Ticket # Show. …. You can also use a phpinfo() function to view your server current PHP information. AMP Home page translation available in "Installed modules translations". This is where you can choose to add a translation, and completely customize each and every sentence if you wish so. Filename: Upload the file to your server. Vertical Tabs â product tabds view. EASY INSTALL. Nulled Alysum – Premium Prestashop AMP Theme Free Download Crack. Product Page Layout â You can select a layout what you built in Page builder for product page. If the option is disabled product images will be displayed as a carousel. By placing these buttons on your business website, you can help to create visibility for your social media accounts and easily extend your reach there. Don't put HTML tags like "