Contact Us There are a challenging in-game economy and loadouts, but there are also lots of maps available. Skills saw 'metabolism' changed, and 'immunity' added, meaning there are new elements on the survival side to be aware of. Escape From Tarkov Factory Map 2021, Escape From Tarkov Shoreline Map and Guide. Indie Gaming Content Escape From Tarkov Interactive Map. Posted by 3 years ago. Read More.. 9.3k. Beyond the Woods expansion, there are three new weapons being added with the KRISS Vector SMG, SIG MCX Assault rifle, and UMP SMG, along with several other ammunitions and a variety of mods. About Us, PC Gaming Content Map layout encourages long-range combat and makes gear gain even more important. Copyright © TechRaptor LLC 2013-2020 Many of those mods were also changed, so make sure to look at the characteristics of weapon mods when you start playing, as what you thought you knew on them may no longer be true. New locations for it include Emercom Camp and the Abandoned Lumber Yard, as has been revealed in various dev blogs (as compiled by tarkovprofessional) in the leadup to the patch. Initial gear sets also got reworked, changing experience when you start; to help with that, players will also receive a supply package for the first seven days of playing. Woods Full Map Speed Priest Version. Woods map is a medium to large in EFT with one major central hot-spot. The map is really PvP-focused and excites players looking for kills of enemies, not for loot that means new players are expected to meet enemies that both outgear and skill them. The update is expected to take around four hours to install, during which time Escape From Tarkov will be offline. The leadline feature for Escape From Tarkov 0.12.9 is an expansion for the Wood map. Also new is the customization of head and voice at creation. A large map that runs along a shoreline. I’m not “new” to the game (175h) but I still play like someone who has 10 hours into the game and I’m absolutely loving it so far. PMC's Escaping Tarkov. Escape From Tarkov 2020 Interchange Map src. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The sensible approach to gameplay gives you limited space to figure out where things are or be messy. Escape From Tarkov Interchange map guide From Killa to Killers, Interchange is a twisting super mall to contend with Interchange is a massive mall with … Not just 1 big logging camp and the rest just filler trees and fields! This isn’t the time to be rambling around like a wanderer. Custom tactical maps with all exits, loot, keys & weapon spawns marked out. Ethics & Standards Though, it's worth considering that cheap rifles can be handy on Woods. 0.12.9 Update: We're working on creating a new Woods map - hold tight! Most of the action will occur in the center of the map, enclosed by woods, but many of the extraction points can find on the map’s outskirts. This will increase the size of the map by 2 to 2.5 times, and that they will be expanding behind the mountains in the center of the map towards the Rock Passage extract. Do you think it added enough to justify a wipe? Despite the lack of towers, you're unusually far away from a perfect sniper shot. Manage Cookies / Privacy Policy, Write for TechRaptor The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games. PMC's.